Teen therapy for anxiety + depression

1 in 4 adolescents experience mental disorders that result in severe impairment.

Living in this fast paced world full of comparison and social media, pandemics and unknowns, peer pressure and high expectations, it's no wonder that so many teenagers are struggling. As a parent it can be hard to know if it's normal teenage moodiness or if your teen is struggling with something above and beyond normal teenage stress. Do you know the signs and how to help your teen if they are struggling with their mental health?  Keep scrolling to learn more about teen depression and anxiety.

teen anxiety

Anxiety symptoms in teens can be easy to overlook.

When it comes to your teenager and anxiety, it is a good idea to talk to a mental health professional if you have noticed a significant shift in your teen that lasts for 6 months or more. If anxiety is negatively affecting your teenager's day to day life, there is help and hope. 

Anxiety is one of the most common forms of mental illness and it can affect your teen's health. If your teen suffers from an anxiety disorder, research suggests that they may run a higher risk of experiencing physical health problems as well. (Anxiety and Depression Association of America

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 31.9% of teens have an anxiety disorder.  That means 1 in every 3 teens is struggling with anxiety that goes above and beyond every day worry or being stressed about an upcoming exam.

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anxiety in teens might look like

changes in eating and/or sleeping habits 

difficulty concentrating

feeling overwhelmed by schoolwork or other obligations

irritability or anger outbursts

avoiding social activities/isolating

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poor self esteem

restlessness, rapid heartrate, racing thoughts

Sense of impending doom or danger

extreme worry about what others think or what-if thinking

if any of these symptoms are majorly affecting your teen's DAY-TO-DAY life, family/friend relationships, and daily functioning it could be time for professional help from the family therapy clinic in American Fork, UT. 

teen depression

There is help
 and hope

Is it normal teenage moodiness? Or is my teen struggling with depression?

Depression is the most common mental health disorder in the United States among teens and adults. Severe depression is rated in the same disability category as terminal stage cancer. (World Health Organization)

Teens with untreated depression are more likely to have trouble with school, jobs, and relationships. They are more likely to develop substance abuse problems and engage in risky sexual behaviors. Teens with depression are also more likely to catch physical illnesses more often than other teens. (Teen Help)

Not only that, but untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide, and suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people ages 10-24 (National Institute of Mental Health) It is vital that you recognize the signs and symptoms of depression and get your teen help.  

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If you or someone you know is experiencing active suicidal thoughts, please call 911, go to the nearest hospital, or call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).
For Utah suicide hotlines visit here:
Hope 4 Utah

according to the american psychiatric association


of people who go to therapy report improvement.

(American Psychiatric Association)


Depression Symptoms in Teens May Look Like:

feeling down or sad persistently




decreased energy/fatigue

difficulty concentrating

low motivation

suicidal thoughts

changes in sleep (too much or too little)

changes in appetite

changes in school performance

persistent physical symptoms (headaches, stomach aches) that cannot be explained and do not go away with treatment

If you have noticed troubling changes in your teen and your gut is telling you something is not quite right, it may be time to get professional help. You and your teen do not have to go through this alone. Our mental health therapists can help. Contact us today.


Therapists who offer teen anxiety & depression  treatment in American Fork, UT

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Nikki Harmon

Cori Lazarte

Daniela Cadmus

Mackenzie Preza

Michelle Beames

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Book Your Session at our American Fork, UT office

We understand that everyone’s life experiences are unique, which is why our services are tailored to each of your needs. At the Family Therapy Clinic, our mental health therapists offer a wide range of mental health needs at our American Fork, UT office. Book a session with one of our teen depression therapists today.