Depression, Teens

Myths and Facts About Teen Depression

A young adult covering their ears while laying face down in their bed. Teen depression therapy in American Fork, UT can be the support your teen needs. Contact our depression therapists here.
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Myth: Everybody gets sad sometimes, it’s completely normal!

Fact: While it’s true that everyone gets sad sometimes, there is a difference between a teen who is having a bad day and a teen who is struggling with clinical depression. Depression does not just last for a day or two. It can disrupt the teen’s life and pull them into severe low moods for weeks, months, or even years if left untreated. If your teen has been experiencing symptoms that have disrupted their day-to-day life, school, or relationships for two weeks or more, it may be time to talk with a doctor or licensed mental health professional. The Family Therapy Clinic offers therapy for teen depression in American Fork, Utah to help you better support your family!

A young adult covering their ears while laying face down in their bed. Teen depression therapy in American Fork, UT can be the support your teen needs. Contact our depression therapists here.

Myth: He/She is just being lazy

Fact: Teens with depression can be mislabeled as lazy. Depression can cause sleep problems, severe lack of motivation, and low energy. These symptoms can make it very difficult to get out of bed, take care of homework or chores, or maintain regular personal hygiene.

Myth: Depression is being sad all the time.

Fact: Depression can manifest with a variety of symptoms, especially in teenagers. Things like changes in appetite, irritability or anger, moodiness, isolation, or poor grades in school could be considered “normal” teenage behavior but could really be symptoms of depression. Sometimes teens may even mask their symptoms so as not to burden their friends or family. Depression in teens can be more than just sadness. If you notice your teen having these symptoms, it may be time to reach out to our American Fork, UT therapy practice.

Myth: He/She is just seeking attention. It’s not a real thing.

Fact: It is a real thing. According to a recent Pew Research Study 13% of teenagers experienced a major depressive disorder in the past year. Girls experience depression more often than boys, with 1 in 5 experiencing a major depressive disorder. Though girls experience depression more often, they are also more likely to get treatment. Boys are more likely to act impulsively and are more than twice as likely to die by suicide than girls.

A group of friends sitting on school grounds with laptops, books & backpacks. If you suspect your teen to be depressed, allow our depression therapists in American Fork, UT be your guide. Contact us today to learn more about depression treatment in American Fork, UT.

Myth: Telling your teen to cheer up usually helps with depression

Fact: Telling someone with depression to cheer up or think of all the good things in their life can actually make them feel worse. It can make them feel ashamed of their feelings and like they are alone and no one understands them. Depression can affect anyone, even people who have a lot of friends or family or good things going for them. Just because someone appears to have a good life does not mean they cannot struggle with depression. If someone tells you they are experiencing symptoms of depression, it is important to listen to them, take them seriously, and let them know they are not alone.

A young adult with gloomy dark clouds surrounding headspace. With depression treatment in American Fork, UT, your teen can help their depression. Let our depression therapists be your guide.

Myth: There is no way to help someone with depression

Fact: Depression is treatable! Treatment depends on the type and severity of depression your teen may be experiencing. If your teen is a danger to themselves or others they may need a hospital stay to ensure they are safe. Intensive outpatient options also exist for teens experiencing severe symptoms. Other treatment options include medication, psychotherapy, and brain stimulation to name a few. A combination of medication and talk therapy has been shown to be very effective for teens with depression. Talk with your doctor about options and be patient as you work together to figure out the best treatment plan for your teen. Our depression therapists in American Fork, UT are also here to help your teen find their way.

Break Free From Depression with Therapy for Teenage Depression in American Fork, UT

Are you a teenager struggling with your workload, school work, or just life in general? You’re not alone. Teen depression can be challenging, but we’re here to help you. Join The Family Therapy Clinic on the journey of depression treatment in American Fork, UT. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact our office so we can get to know your story better.
  2. Schedule your first therapy for teen depression session with one of our depression therapists.
  3. Flourish through life without struggling with depression.

Other Services our Depression Therapists Offer in American Fork, UT

At The Family Therapy Clinic, we offer a wide range of mental health services to support all your teenager’s needs. While we provide OCD therapy, we understand that life can be unpredictable and challenging. Our expert therapists specialize in adult anxiety and couples and marriage therapy

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Marriage, Family & Individual Counseling
 American Fork, Utah