
Preparing for Fall: A Guide to Managing Depression as the Seasons Change

A line of fall multicolroed leaves hang from a closeline in the order from green to red. Learn more about therapy for depression in American Fork, UT can offer support during the changing months. Search for a depression therapist American Fork, UT to learn more today.
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An image of golden colored leaves moving in the wind on their branches. Learn how therapy for depression in American Fork, UT can offer support with addressing seasonal depression. Search for depresison therapists in American Fork, UT to learn more.

As the leaves begin to change color and the crisp autumn air settles in, many people find themselves embracing the beauty of fall. Pumpkin flavored everything, cozy sweaters, and chilly air can bring a level of nostalgia. However, for some, this season can also bring about a shift in mood, energy levels, and overall mental well-being. Seasonal depression can occur, and the changes in weather and light can affect mental health in various ways. Preparing for these shifts can help you navigate the transition more smoothly. Here’s a guide to help you prepare for and manage depression as the seasons change:

Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically occurs at certain times of the year, most commonly in the fall and winter months. Symptoms of SAD can include:

  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Changes in sleep patterns (e.g., oversleeping or difficulty sleeping)
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness

Understanding that these feelings may be linked to the seasonal change can be the first step toward managing them.

Practical Steps for Managing Seasonal Changes

1. Embrace the Sunlight:

A close up of leaves on a forest floor as the sun rises. Learn more about how anxiety and depression therapists in American Fork can offer support. Search for counseling for depression american fork, UT and how therapy for depression in American Fork, UT can offer support.

With shorter days and less sunlight, it’s important to make the most of the daylight you do get. Spend time outside during daylight hours, and consider light therapy if you find that you struggle with reduced sunlight. Light therapy involves exposure to a bright light that mimics natural sunlight and can be effective in alleviating SAD symptoms.

2. Maintain a Routine:

Keeping a consistent daily routine can help stabilize your mood. Try to wake up and go to bed around the same time each day, and schedule regular times for meals, exercise, and leisure activities.

3. Stay Active:

Physical activity has been shown to boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression. Find activities you enjoy, whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a dance class, and try to incorporate them into your weekly routine.

4. Connect with Others:

Social connections can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation. Reach out to friends and family, join a club or group, or participate in community events to stay connected.

5. Focus on Nutrition:

Eating a balanced diet can have a positive impact on your mental health. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. Be mindful of your intake of comfort foods and sugary snacks, which can sometimes worsen mood swings.

6. Practice Self-Care:

A woman holds a leaf in front of her face while smiling. Learn how therapy for depression in American Fork, UT can offer support with overcoming SAD. Search for therapy for teenage depression near me and how depression therapists in American Fork, UT can help.

Prioritize activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This could include hobbies, reading, taking baths, or practicing mindfulness and meditation. Self-care is crucial for maintaining mental well-being.

7. Seek Professional Help:

If you find that your symptoms are overwhelming or persistent, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. Therapy, counseling, and medication are effective treatments for managing depression and SAD.


Preparing for the fall and managing depression during the seasonal change involves a combination of self-awareness, proactive strategies, and support. By embracing the changes, staying connected, and taking care of your mental health, you can navigate the transition with greater ease.

Begin Therapy for Depression in American Fork, UT

Remember, it’s okay to seek help and lean on others during challenging times. Embrace the season with a mindset focused on self-care and well-being, and you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever comes your way. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to offer support from our American Fork-based practice. You can start your therapy journey by following these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a consultation.
  2. Learn more about our therapeutic approaches here.
  3. Start making the most of the changing seasons!


At The Family Therapy Clinic, we provide comprehensive mental health services designed to address your unique needs in addition to therapy for depression. Whether your teenager requires support for anxiety or depressionpost-divorce, or you are looking for support with your faith, our specialized therapists offer tailored therapy. Understanding life’s unpredictability, our experts also focus on adult anxiety, adult depression, and  OCD therapy, ensuring a holistic approach to mental wellness across different life stages.

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Marriage, Family & Individual Counseling
 American Fork, Utah