Mindfulness Skills Group

A three class series where participants will use nature journaling (using watercolor, writing, and numbers to engage both the right and left brain hemispheres), deep breathing, meditating and processing to learn to cope with overwhelming and anxious thoughts. 

how it works

How it works


Every class will begin with an age appropriate meditation and breathing exercise so participants can practice noticing and understanding their anxious and overwhelming thoughts. It can be uncomfortable at first but it builds skills important to combatting those anxious thoughts!


A psychoeducation component is included in every class and participants will learn about anxiety & overwhelm, what it looks like and where it comes from. Participants will have the opportunity to process and discuss how anxiety and overwhelm show up in their life and improve their ability to cope with those emotions.


Group members will discover nature journaling using a watercolor palette as a mindfulness practice. Using numbers, words, and drawings we will engage both the left and right sides of the brain which has been shown to improve mental health, cognitive skills, and emotional regulation.

Janna Hargadon

Janna is all in with the idea that creativity, mindfulness and self- compassion practices can change lives for the better. She has a calming and accepting energy about her and has the ability to connect with people on a deep level.

Janna has facilitated groups of women in The Artist Way- a twelve-week course that guides the participants through the process of recovering their creative selves. She has also taught art at Quickwater Ranch in Idaho for more than 10 summers. This led to her and a friend to design a nature journaling course which combines mindfulness, creativity and connection to nature. The process has been nothing short of transformative and she has a passion for sharing that transformative power with her students.


about your facilitator

Rachel g.

Janna’s workshop was a positive, uplifting, even soul-expanding experience.

contact for more info

Benefits of Mindfulness:

decreased negative emotions

Mindful practices can create a decrease in symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress and frustration among others.

Reduced ruminating thoughts

Overwhelming thoughts tend to hamster wheel in our minds. Mindful practices can slow down the rumination and decrease the focus on those thoughts.

Increased focus

Breathing, meditating, nature journaling and other mindfulness skills can increase your ability to gently call your mind from wandering and increase focus.

Better emotional regulation

Mindfulness helps bring awareness to what you are feeling and teaches you to get curious about it instead of reactive to it. Over time these practices decrease emotional reactivity and increase cognitive flexibility.

minfulness skills group

Class schedule & Payment Information:

Teen Group (ages 12-17), $175
Next session TBA

Tween Group (ages 9-11)
Next session TBA

Women's Adult Group
Next session TBA

*Contact us for information regarding upcoming groups or to get on the waiting list.

*Ask us about our sibling and referral discounts!*

sign up now

- RG-

“Nature journaling invites you to step outside old beliefs and self doubt. It provides a sense of calm, confidence & connection.”

Teen therapy for anxiety + depression

1 in 4 adolescents experience mental disorders that result in severe impairment.

Living in this fast paced world full of comparison and social media, pandemics and unknowns, peer pressure and high expectations, it's no wonder that so many teenagers are struggling. As a parent it can be hard to know if it's normal teenage moodiness or if your teen is struggling with something above and beyond normal teenage stress. Do you know the signs and how to help your teen if they are struggling with their mental health?  

learn more